Multi-level marketing scheme, corporate trust is but a dream
Coercion, manipulation and deceptive tactics
Come on in you'll earn in the next brackets
Who even makes money there?
What a predatory fucking joke
Cultlike brainwashing, affixing cattle to yoke
How do they do it, how do they fucking do it?
They dwell in sociopathic circles
--Or brainwash college graduates to use coercive sales tactics
--Themselves employing coercive sales tactics to rope more people in
--Make the customer feel good about themselves, and make the employee feel good about themselves.
The mantra goes:
"What's better, an employee who can sell twenty products, or train four people to sell five products?"
"We're gonna sit down and do your break even!"
So let me get this straight.
You want to know my weekly finances?
"Yes! Part of earning is learning where you have room to cut back."
Make them feel more comfortable with earning less
By suggesting where they can remove income stress
And directing them into the shared living space
So they can brainwash 24/7 like without an ethic's trace
What a disgrace
What a sad sick disgusting shame
To look people square in the face
Lying about the nature of the game
By suggesting where they can remove income stress
And directing them into the shared living space
So they can brainwash 24/7 like without an ethic's trace
What a disgrace
What a sad sick disgusting shame
To look people square in the face
Lying about the nature of the game
What a fucking crime.
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