Friday, March 31, 2017

Bright in His Wonders

Lights rake city streets
Cool wind moons beam down rays
Brightly he wonders

What never was

Rancid Astrophil 1

Bitter, rancid Noxious heart
This day doth dream a better start
Poor man's bluff makes truer volley
Of a man's rough choices foley

Decisions made never least true
Paid for later with trembling few
Mightiest a few societally unbound
In the cult of perfection I so drowned

Having once heard I carry you in my heart
I never looked twice at my failed start
Dating apps fill a void so I am defined
Pleasure in tinder meetings oh refined

But a dark dream throws me askew
A nightmarish though of romance anew.

waking from a bad dream

I let the day get away,
Unrequited desire,
Lost for a shotgun marriage of hearts


I let sweet love's lost
Lust away,
Thinking throughout time
To a thought's last spark.

Always thinking,
Always trying to forget.
She was there.

Too late, 
too god damned fucking late

Awake from 7 AM's
Nightmare slumbers.
About she who never was
I don't know if she ever will be.

But I hope.
I am rattled.
Disraught. Totally disheveled.

What do I do?

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

History of the Western Poetic Tradition

This is a poem of sorts, but not entirely
If I could write the history of the Western poem in one sentence,
It would be this:

First there was Homer, and then it got harder.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Our Pictures

We still live together, and even share the same bed. We're in that awkward phase where we are still co-dependent for the time being. Wounds are fresh, and thoughtful tears are intermittent.

It's not going to work out between us, and it breaks my heart to admit it.

The possibility of patching things up is there (or was there), and as difficult as it is, when I look at our photos, or photos of you, and see all the things that I want in my life, I have to ask myself the question "is it worth it?" Although, I don't WANT to feel like I'm closing a chapter in a book, but rather, that our story is worth continuing, the answer to that question seems to be a hesitant "no." In all my heart, you are the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with. And when I look at your face, my blurred vision reminds me that that is what I want. I don't ever want to stop seeing your face that way -- I don't ever want to stop looking at you, and seeing things that other people can't see. Five years with you was a lottery of happiness that has forever changed me as a person -- even through the hard times; and there have been many hard times of late.

I want to stand from tabletops, roofs, and mountains, and cry out "I love you!" But what would it accomplish? Three more months of trying, and failing? Or perhaps three more years?

Five years... it's been five years, that have gone by far too quickly. My own parents, dated, married, had children and separated in less time than we have been living together as a couple. My dad, was scarred so profoundly, in a way that seems to have affected him for life, while my mom was also affected negatively in her own way by the separation. I know that I can be resilient, through these times, and do what needs to be done. Even if it is so difficult to see something that I want more than anything, so close within reach, and know that it's not worth it. We would never be able to work out our differences, and in and of itself that makes me feel great sadness... considering how close we have been these past five years.

I don't know what happens next, but I know that the grown up thing to do is to hold no animosity over what was lost, and to leave things on as positive a note as possible. I don't want the pictures we've taken together to be marred, or disfigured by negative feelings. I want to be able to look at them, and I want to feel like it's okay for me to cry, without resenting what is gone from my life.

I nub you bao bao. I hope that a part of me will always love you. Now, when I see your pictures, and the stream of salty tears meets my lips, I know that what we had -- what we have -- is a very rare thing for anybody to experience. However, it's time for us to stop making pictures together. It's time for us to start new.

Monday, March 20, 2017


When Rat Traps maximize
All affect stands in most articulate poise,
And when predicates terrorize
Alternative facts express mellifluous intention.

Hootsuite's scheduling of stock photos
Twitter posts and fans of your Facebook page.
Food pics, #hasthags and rage post dramas
Political savvy, time zones around the world
And things you do, as if nobody is watching.

Such as dancing to the tune of a different key,
And the drum of a different beat.

You may find love on Tinder
And on Pinterest, chocolate chip cookie recipes,
Censored documents, burnt to a cinder
And of interest, a Danish roux with
potatoes carrots and peas.

But there will be no puzzle peace
In this Mangalomaniacal haze
Before fires make double cease
That lasts for ends beyond days

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Tiger 3-4

Part 3

Expensive wine as Barolo
Picked of the vine that grows
of the grape of Nebbiolo
A Piedmontese vinery rose

To be consumed by whom which partake
In thingstuffs and fineries
Which leave the soul in a state of heartache
For luxuriestuff from expensive dineries

Then sit cross from me, me and I
And share in this fermentery so fine
For which witness of, seek to spy
Of this that is so richest of the wine

But don't!
Or do.

Part 4

Taken from one extreme to another
Oh! So so so haughty
East Coast to Pacific North something or other
Dabble with drugs, oh so naughty

The low-calorie martini
Of MDMA fame
Burns not as the Scotch
Yet indifference the same

And not the same type of word name
Although alcohol is no less a drug
Than any other Absinthe, or Mezcal
When nothing becomes of a larval bug

For me,you,my love, ic luvie þe

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Tuesday, March 7, 2017


Poignant melodramas
Make angry faces at melancholy
benevolent Despots.

As the last Gandhi speaks
the last lama reconsiders
taking reincarnation out of the picture.
But reincarnation doesn't exist

And souls don't exist
Or ghosts of Gandhic disciples
Aliens don't mutilate sacred cows
for your pleasure.

There's nothing quite like -- a
        Big Mac. But most all burgers are better.

Food blows electric daisy winds
                    Pushing up 9 inch nails
                    Against the ruddy teal waters
Of tall mountains.

Tantric massages know no
               Bounds when prostitutes
Bind legislation
And make bitter pills in Ecstasy.

Monday, March 6, 2017


Fetid noxious swamp aghast
The sight of the Id before the Ego
Archetypes anxious for Anything at last
They hid backstage among sentence fragments, snorting blow

Romeo oh Romeo wherefore art thou
For I see not but a foul gas
Breaking out beyond and past the brow
Cross putrid swamp's mossy hairlike grass

Prowling tiger kisses sweet limericks
And men from Nantucket pick fights
While a dog is strong up in a Shangri-lift

Sweet female bodies sell marvelous mavericks
To masses of consumerist knights
Who don't shoot penises at virtual paintings

Part 2

老虎, 我爱你
Tiger also loves me
But Kangxi died a long time ago now.

Is Chinese poetical, and English dry?
Do you beg to differ, me and I?
Romance languages are passionate! Right?
Germanic-coolness, eh mite?

McLuhan said things
The medium speaks about itself
Twitter communicates what.

140 characters or less.
Radiance. Brilliance.
Eat gall bladder of the Tiger for more power.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

What Cucks Think

It snowed again today
It doesn't often snow in Vancouver,
Twas a record setting season they say
Covering the ground like a haggard reminder

Old time is still a flying,
It's the end of the world -- as we know it
When Carlson melts down. Ice.
With his laser-focused heat ray vision.
Dear "You're supposed to be the" Science Guy, Bill Nye
"Love the bow tie, more than life itself."
Let it go -- let it all go, instead
Remember the time of Stravinsky,
or the times of Beethoven, or Hendrix.
Or Deathcab for Cutie. Or Daft Punk.

The maelstrom whirls, and the
Jovian sky portal calls forth
the winds of the Polar Vortex.

When that glorious lamp of heaven
Signals to erudite Alex Jones
that globalists market hot yoga as 
part of their demonic Illuminati agenda
然后他说话 -- to one million Americans.

And yet the climate, changes the least.
But other climates change more,
And it is a sign, that the change is
very great.

Mind the climate, both literally and figuratively.

Friday, March 3, 2017


E, one half of Pytho
The oracle of Apollo's temple
"No man in Athens is wiser than Socrates"
More or less said.


Are the properties of word
inherent in the name of word
Heo biþ genemned

Discordant struck strings
plucking notes of higher things
High structures, fine chords
"arpeggio", "tighter, AND faster."

Though I sit a small breadth away
A city's width to stray -- some might say
Flow, as the orchid, dancing lady
Go, like Ovid, the didactic coronary

Metamorphose, Sinful Oni,
Do not lay þine Kawaii neko-eyes  (😽)
Beady as the Magatama
On mine sulfurous guise.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Pan's Cabin

Gygax brings his Geiger counter -- evolving Gliscor 
But autocorrect says "Scoreline"
Meanwhile, Google knows exactly what I want.
刘晓波 is Empty Chair.

Control the masses, fly orange skinned kites
Can't unbreak glasses, stones unthrown trade no bites
Artificial Intelligence knows all names
And creates augmented reality games.

So many rhyming couplets
I shall at least refrain
From using nothing but quatrain.

For/get/ forms/, read/ ev/er/y/ syll/able/ stressed/.
Read every with three syllables, just in that line.

Poetry and poets are often self-referential
Is it a calculated risk to boast
In a world where Bolsheviks round up versers
And liberty-for-all types are birthers.

Freedom-fighter, terrorist or thought provoker?
Anti-establishment, anarchy or moron?
That sounds like Adam Kokesh or Milo Yiannopoulos 
A bitter, trite, stomach ulcer,
Eyes in hand, still can't topple two in the bush.