Sunday, April 30, 2017

Direct marketing

Zip Zip Zip -- Zip zippity do-da zip!
Multi-level marketing scheme, corporate trust is but a dream
Coercion, manipulation and deceptive tactics
Come on in you'll earn in the next brackets

Who even makes money there?
What a predatory fucking joke
Cultlike brainwashing, affixing cattle to yoke
How do they do it, how do they fucking do it?

They dwell in sociopathic circles
--Or brainwash college graduates to use coercive sales tactics
--Themselves employing coercive sales tactics to rope more people in
--Make the customer feel good about themselves, and make the employee feel good about themselves.

The mantra goes:
"What's better, an employee who can sell twenty products, or train four people to sell five products?"

"We're gonna sit down and do your break even!"

So let me get this straight.
You want to know my weekly finances?

"Yes! Part of earning is learning where you have room to cut back."

Make them feel more comfortable with earning less
By suggesting where they can remove income stress
And directing them into the shared living space
So they can brainwash 24/7 like without an ethic's trace

What a disgrace
What a sad sick disgusting shame
To look people square in the face
Lying about the nature of the game

What a fucking crime.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Long line on love afar

Sunkissed spring light flame
Heartbeat's valleyed glowing
Curtained wonders shine

When love is a distant affair, from world's afar.

Some day, let me hold you. Let me keep you safe in my arms, and squeeze me like you want to be squeezed back.                      
And let me make you feel butterflies, and you make me feel butterflies.                
Let's be the modern romance, boy and girl from an ocean apart meet in farflung corners of Earth.      
And they don't know if it will work, but finding out if love at first sight can be true will make it more sweet when it is?

You deserve a thousand poems, a thousand roses, and a thousand kisses.
You deserve butterflies every day -- the sick tingling feeling of new love.
You deserve someone to call you sweetheart, and to call sweetheart.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Rancid Astrophil 18

So much for god damned star lover -- that's me
So much grief caused by things earthly mortal
Ignorant crutch -- Jovian sky portal
Desolate butcher -- rancid cream -- fact free

The last god in me hates all I despair
Feckless god damned governmental pity
Can't stave of hunger or starvation's city
Can't fast unquick -- laud justices unfair

Torment this fucking looker on of star
Making beauty-physic fairer than far
Of that cosmopolitan cosmic plane
To what metropolitan caustic fame

Makes of this fucking bullshit days-end game
When frustration makes keyboard warrior sane

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Rancid Astrophil 17

Star loving ramrodding shit flinging chump
Let murky hate flow expelling all air
And finding not but musk in all things fair
Forget all tact and dump rear end on stump

Pull up a chair as to throw yourself down
Delengthen yourself like omega man
Ripped raw of bong starches baked black and tan
A mocking dickless state's shit warring frown

While madness condenses and all things suck
For Happning meets and meatings greets in sheets
In beds sleeping with nice women strange fuck

Let the world fucking implode in shy beats
Ass beaten raw with tiresome once shrugs
Tiring and retiring midst murder thugs

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Rancid Astrophil 16

Three would be lovers who never were mine
The sweet mother I never met at all
Moon ghost who vanished leaving me to fall
Had not opportuned me to wine and dine

And of course that 苏州 most darling sweet
Of them I never did meet the first chance
When amour I gained at but a first glance
These three were all but a fleeting eye's treat

I am fortunate 'nuff as Stan Lee said
To have looks and smarts and cleverest head
But knowing enough to know what's not fine
And seeing that I'm lost in what is mine

Always in the back of my mind is there
The idea of a future not fair

Rancid Astrophil 15

The snivelling form of Richard the king
Hobbled in the corner like vile creature
Sad Gollum petting his precious feature
Sickly disfigured nature's treason thing

The rancid star lover with the ram's head
Fapping to many a forlorn lover
The wonder of new lust to discover
And the wits of his own nature fed

Then stamp out the light of those bloody spots
Forgetting youthful years of loving fucks
Forgotten in youths tearful tainted cucks
We instead light the match anew with plots

Get on with it be ghost or be ghosted
And throw away feelings at once hosted

Rancid Astrophil 14

Raw like the broken hearted canvasser
In his rawlike state of lost obsession
Clawing like Sephiroth in possession
As knowledge's danger-fuelled brasser

Take up the brass shield of adamant steel
And fling wooden splinters of anger's coined
The dangerous faggot twin trolls conjoined
If slivering silver tongues wonton feel

Word salad word salad forgotten rules
Your open wounded mind cajoles faint fools
Piquing interests as bullet piques life
Guns win wars and words win delight in strife

Power comes from the barrel of a gun
And phallic nonsense's of race be run 

Rancid Astrophil 13

And so my new direction begins here
With broken crown but memory's distant
Glance -- enjambed poet with mind so infant
The post post modern me sheds all his fear

Where the tiger failed the ram will not wait
Disposed of starlike wonder and thunder
Blasting starlight's flung vigour asunder
Run headfirst into hungered desire's sate

Ramrod this god damned fallacy of shit
Pound it till its new as a tarnished sail
Upon open winds and on grounded tail
Upon mounted arms and arms' last holy grail
Let loose passions and wars fear not to fail
Be the Whitman pill that Pound's eye did spit

Rancid Astrophil 12

And yet they never seem to hit home quite
These relics of a foregone conclusion
The sonneteer's last mindless diffusion
Do carry not respot's only first respite

Love poetry's only words dance on paint
When there is no page but foul odours pounce
On blogspot we write but shoot for an ounce
Of Celtic spirit ouisce beatha saint

To look upon that fair rancid Stella
Feeling noxious in sight of fair bella
Let go the dogs of war and loose your heart
Dream not young faggot of lovers' failed start 

Broken crown not the knot of destiny
My 苏州 sweetheart responded to me....

Monday, April 17, 2017

Rancid Astrophil 11

Whisked away when to 苏州 I did find
That she had fleeting interest in me
I would be jilted never loving me
Slying window prying masterless mind

I looking not on the cabinet hutch
Had perhaps missed genteel man's opportune
Moment when in silver spied copper moon
I paid in dutch, and left it so, and such

Perhaps then 苏州 is not for me one
To take to task lonely lullaby fun
Once and for all I would have known nothing
Except that I know not which I don't know

Know thyself -- always the maximum words
And yet they never seem to hit home quite

Wasted Fortune

My father is a spoiled rotten child
Collecting pogey and parental support
Two homes paid for
And over a dozen cars;
Three written off
License ceased in DUI

"Honour your father and mother."

One sign of many -- biblical bullshits
Failed axioms mantras and maxims
From a book written long ago
By the nobodies of the Earth

"Know Thyself"

A much more resolute
Maxim from antiquity
The Delphic maxim referred to so in

What do I know other than tantric meetings
Fleeting moments predisposed distraction
Look about the urban jungle's fraction
My sexual urges are entreating

To have but a single dipthong of lust
Following a LinkedIn classified ad
More bets I could hedge unjustified dad
Amidst conjoined particles of hip thrust

Sunday, April 16, 2017


Birch bark sheets bloom as
Coriander lemon peels
Last ditched dried up pitch

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Wave wakes dew drop foam
Crescendo peninsula
Curtain drawn shoreline

Monday, April 10, 2017

Rancid Astrophil 10

Marks my demeanor with spring time season
And oh -- what a spring time season it's been
Thoroughly my dating apps full of win
Curiousness then exciting reason

Befell me with unexpected surmise
A fire in one's eye, so did I swipe right
Her cuteness prevailed, and matched my delight
When a tinder flame turned tinder surprise

A match made rematch, to match make a friend
A blind date perspective excited me
It might go, quite well, or oh so badly
Curiousness won, and so to surrend

Any disbelief made by my own mind
Whisked away when to 苏州 I did find

Rancid Astrophil 9

But he knows it won't be like yesterday
Which is the name of a poem he wrote
A rhyme of memory rote wills to float
In her somberness of ways and the way

Sweet 苏州 lost from my grasp to fancy
Electric her so presence makes me feel
Spiritless in divinity's eyes, steel
No holds barred in love's lost necromancy

I know her not, but she is not least known
To my world's liaison is fancy thrown
Cross windswept alleys in spiteful treason
O'er valleys of delightfulest reason

Adjectival neologism's bone
Marks my demeanor with spring time season

On Epic

This poem is just a jumble of thoughts expressed
in passing

Rancid Astophil 8

My 苏州 sweetheart responded to me
Each slight vibration poured with excitement
Followed by a dispairing inditement
I scrambled to pick up the phone with glee

What craziness is overcoming me
When these last few weeks pleasure's lust I knew
Meeting kissing and cuddling a few
I am now shadow of former glory

I met somebody I like I suppose
For whom which I cannot now predispose
Feeling like I'm twenty yet this today
A sad confused young adult meets a girl

He cannot presuppose what will unfurl
But he knows it won't be like yesterday

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Rancid Astrophil 7

That god damned waiting game -- kills every time
To sit by the phone, waiting for that text
When despite tearless heart's aorta flexed
My own self-worth was quartered for a dime

And the testing days of uneasy rest
Came to a close after many lost hours
And thoughts of thoughts without female powers
To mend my bleeding heart with nestling nest

Shove up the day you ridiculous whiny baby
Forget all these pathetic things
Forget that you have no tooth or nail
To claw bites at serpentine servant's sweet tongue

 Kill the feelings of respite
And follow the bear into the night

The April 9th Sequence

The Morning of the 9th

Icicle winds' dull chill
Dusk free smoke skies part ways
Lone rays' soft simmer

The Afternoon of the 9th

Deep cove rolling blue
Matchlock powder clouds dream
Stones flutter under toe

Mixed love like mortar
Fish painting rough current
Wood walkways breathe life

Rancid Astrophil 6

That bitterless not ssweet taste o' divine
A putrid rock in cheek see not the damned
But lucidly makes boastful, fistful, words hammed
That lord of the flies is not truly swine

The effort last ditched in place perfect pitch
Fruitless nights of ποιέω in cafe
Finding no Sylvan words for beings fae
Discovering days withheld of the bitch

Moonlit horrors' tumultuless fever
Weights not the least dense of my worst days' day
Festering stones in tongueless cheeks don't pray
That the Sun hoists days as with moon's lever

The Poetic gesture of my own night
Is that I will be forgotten in spite.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Rancid Astrophil 5

When the robin in my eye had stood
A loaded gun -- looking, hearing, feeling
She flew away but I flew first, kneeling
Needing only that one finest for good

How than I had stood so far chained in yoke
Reined into me -- I never know least known
Upon my dew dropped glowing valley thrown
Visage -- Venusian than Vesuvian spoke

Said she 'pon I -- never had I known one so...
Quite like you -- familiar tones I hear
From other fails of lust droning, on go

And in so much had I but daring, dear
To look once at the face of my angel
Never known, never known, I but never knew her


Pinecones shed brown scales
Blossom petals descend
Green needles prick soil

Monday, April 3, 2017

Rancid Astrophil 4

I just threw a memento in the trash
One of those "I love you" journals
Half filled memories of haberdash
Circumstantial wherewithal

I love her not; no longer at all
Says broken hearted I, with thoughts of lash
To remain cool through an out fall
Expecting too much from minds of rash

Have another drink, princess
Next weekend you'll do it once more
Asking me to chauffeur you from your tinder date

Who, after all, wants life without awkwardness
For then you would be a bore
But not for your angry desires to sate

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Rancid Astrophil 3

Star-crossed lover lost his chance
To make amend for lusts's lost dance
A one-two punch carried on balance
Boxer's grace -- harried electron's valance

Meaningful/meaningless, ditch your words
Frightful matchless, hitched up swords
Hacking away at visceral pain
Making a slay of hearts in vain

Acrophobic enemy of the state
Of knowingless gaze's gate
The darling known not in my eye
The starling speaks that those who cry

Shan't ever spy the leerless one
Faceless he whose visage run

Rancid Astrophil 2

Twilight breaks through dusks' hollow star
Bright young Aldeberan husks shallows afar
On star scorched shores of possibility
On those farthest moors of tranquility

Radiant cinders and ash most putrid
Daringest lingering and thoughts acrid
Glaring through pungent telescopes
Taking stock of forgotten last hopes

Giant red star, homonculous
Differences vastly homologous
Kissing new lusts' fair
Limbs weaving affair

The one affair that mattered never had
The bulging stars' tattered fever sad